After thinking and thinking, I've decided to close this blog. I am going to move all of the posts to my main blog over the next week or so. Don't think I'm giving up on the fitness because I'm not. I'm going to be starting another blog focusing on the Supremes hair and I my business site will be up next week and it will be too much to manage them all. Thank you to all of my followers and those who participated in the contests. I plan on keeping this going and will be having more giveaways etc as well. If you want to keep track of my progress, everything will be posted here. Love always. Q
So excited!!!
Some of you may or may not know that I am addicted to Twitter. I love, love, love it. The other day I added one of my favorite fitness people, the creator of Turbo Jam, Chalene Johnson. Surprisingly she followed me back. I sent her a shout out thinking nothing of it and not only did she respond but she took the time to send me a message of encouragement. I know it may seem like something small, but to me, it meant a lot. She has thousands of followers, a husband, a family, and a business but yet took the time out to communicate with me. She has also been able to connect me with some other Jammers to get tips and advice. I am so excited!!
I've had Chalene Extreme for some time now and starting Monday, I will be starting it officially. I told Chalene I would take pics, update my progress and send her the link. Knowing she and others will be checking here to see how I am doing is a lot of pressure but just the motivation I needed. I can't wait!!! Q
Goals for this week
Okay so now that the first week of the New Year has started, here are my goals for this week.
1. Work out at least 3 times this week
2. Start the couch to 5k program
3. Eat breakfast everyday
I just got my wii fit board plus so I will def work that in next week. What are your plans? Q
Happy New Year
Man I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on here. Life has a way of just going by so quickly and before you know it, it's another year. I've thought about this blog a lot and was considering closing it. But the fighter in me just couldn't. I truly feel this blog was started for a reason and I can do great things with it. So as I prayed and thought about it the other night, I decided to start fresh. I am giving myself 3 months to be consistent with the postings and the updates. My plan is to go no more than 2 days without posting or updating.
Right now I have several goals that I'm carrying from last year and I've already started on. I want to lose weight, get toned, and run a 5k. I have a local partner who is going to be training with me for the 5k along with some other ladies who will be starting on Monday. Today I am planning out my eating plan and workouts for the next week and make adjustments on an as needed basis. I know the biggest issue for me is not working out but making sure I actually eat. I'm also going to break my goals down into 21 day increments. Because it takes 21 days to form a habit and it makes things easier versus planning for 2 or 3 months out.
Thank you to all of my followers who stuck by me, called me, emailed me and contacted me. Your support is truly a blessing. I am looking forward to us all having our best body ever in 2010!!! Let's go. Q