The other day I had to do some shopping for clothes. When I didn't fit in a certain size and caught a glimpse of my body, I cried. It hurt and it sucked. But after I wiped my face off, I went home more determined than ever. I spoke with dh about it and he agreed to run with me and help me reach my goals. I love him so much. He has never made me feel bad about my size and has never stopped loving me. He wants me to be healthy and he knows how much I want this so he is right there cheering me on. I also added another accountability partner and today I feel encouraged. I'm going to beat this!!! Q
Another AHA moment!!!
The other day after working out, I got on the scale. Once again, it hasn't budged. I cried for a few minutes and started looking over my workout notes. I couldn't find anything that really stood out to me. As I was driving to work, I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast and it all started to click. The confirmation came when I was reading in a health forum and an article was posted about how food has the greatest impact on your weight. It all made sense. I knew this before but it was until then that the lightbulb really went off.
My eating habits are sabotaging my weightloss!!! There I said it. And before anyone starts on me about eating right and blah blah blah, that is not the problem. I eat very clean and very healthy. My problem is eating, PERIOD. It seems like eating too little is just as bad as eating too much. I think my body thinks I am starving and is holding on to this weight until it feels the threat is over, LOL. Most days, I don't eat breakfast. I don't wake up hungry, I wake up thirsty. Sometimes I will go the entire day without eating. I know that's bad. It's not like I don't have stuff to eat because I keep healthy food and snacks around me, it's just that I don't have the desire to eat.
In order to remedy this, I've set my cell phone to notify me when to eat until it becomes a habit for me. My goal is to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks in between every 2-3 hours. I'm also putting notifications into my work email so I can have a back up reminder. I wouldn't be surprised if I finally dropped a couple of pounds next week. Q
I can't stand Kandee!!!
Yeah I said it. He's my boy and I love him. He is keeping me accountable so now I know I can't slack off because I don't want to be on blast on the radio, LOL. So I have 4 weeks until I see my fam and go to the ATL for a conference. My goal is to be at least 2 sizes smaller by then. I took yesterday off to get into gear and to enjoy my holiday but this morning I was up and at it.
Yall know how hard that is for me because I am sooo not a morning person. But I have a pair of jeans as my motivation. Today I did Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I've had the dvd for a minute and decided what the heck. It has 3 levels. Each level is about 27 minutes long which starts with a 2-3 min warmup, intervals including aerobics and abs, and then finally a stretch. You really have to push yourself since the actual workout part is only 21-23 minutes. She talks a lot, but I will tell you that I broke out into a heavy sweat and was looking forward to the stretch!!! My goal is to get in 5 workouts this week. You can get the dvd from collage video or amazon . So if you are short on time, hate to workout, and want to get in shape, I def recommend this video. Q
Catching up
This week I decided to get my body back in alignment. So I am doing a 4 day T-tapp bootcamp. For the next 4 days I will be doing Beginner Rehab. T-tapp is a really great program if you want to lose inches, feel better and not put a lot of stress on your body. You can find out more info here. Q
Finally catching up
Hello everyone. I know some of yall have been worried about me. I was too. I hit a serious plateau and it messed with a sista big time. I had to go and do some evaluating and discovered what was going on. That's why the posting on here had slowed. I was really messed up about things.
As some of you know, I battle with hypothyroidism. I have chosen to go the natural and spiritual route to deal with it. Up until recently, things were going great. In my efforts to add some healthy things to my diet, I actually hindered myself. Well at least now I know what the culprit is. It was green tea. Yes, green tea. Green tea is a no no for folks with HT. Big shock there. I don't know how I overlooked this. I knew caffiene was out of the equation but green tea never clicked, duh.
So right now my plan is to keep it simple and press on. I am doing weight training at least 3 times a week. I am getting back into running this week. My sister in law has me thinking about doing the Air Force Marathon in Septemeber but I don't know yet. I've upped my coconut oil intake and eating clean 95%. My meals are simple and healthy with a lot of fruits and veggies to keep me full. A follower asked me to post what my eating looks like so I will be doing that as well. I am focused, happy, and relieved right now. As for the tea, I guess I will have to just use it in my garden and keep some on hand for visitors. Either way, no more for me even caffiene free. I don't want to take any chances. So happy to be back in action once again. Remember to never stop doing what you need to in order to have your best body ever!!! Q
Spring has sprung
Yes I know I have been MIA. I totally underestimated my ability to do all the things I need to. I had to step back for a minute for health reasons and make some changes. But now I am back and better than ever. I will kick things off next week so look out for some exciting changes. Thanks for keeping up with me. Love yall. Q
This week- Accountability
I've been thinking a lot about this journey and I don't want to limit myself. I plan on going as long as I need to until I reach my goal. My goal this week is to find an accountability partner. Actually one already found me. My girl Meya commented on the previous post and it got my wheels spinning.
I am at my best when I know I have to check in with someone. I am always honest with my friends and she is just the sweetest. I know she will encourage me, and yet give me the push I need to go forward.
I encourage anyone who is reading to tell someone your goals. Ask them to help you be accountable. Check in with the regularly to stay on track. Choose someone who will guide you and tell you the truth in love. Be blessed. Q
Hey blog and update
I am so upset right now. I downloaded all of my pics to a disk including my before pic. My dh took it out of the laptop and I cannot find it!!!! I promise I am not stalling because I really think you could see a difference. Anyway, I took another pic Monday which will be my official before pic. I started Chalean Extreme Monday and so far so good. I am probably going to repeat week 1 because the program is a lot more hands on than I expected. I realized I am a lot stronger than I thought and it requires you to fail at rep 12 and I went over on some of the exercises. I am thinking about getting those dial in type weights to make transitioning easier. I am also going to be posting recipes and pics of what I am eating too. Sorry I've been MIA but I am back in school so I am trying to balance it all. But just know that no matter what, my health is still a priority. Much love. Q
A New Year and I am ready to keep it moving
Alright so I admit, I slacked with this blog towards the end of the year. I continued to workout but I have so much more I wanted to post here but I needed some personal time to focus on spiritual things. But I am back baby!!! There is a new 2 a day challenge starting this week. Here is the rules and info:
1. You must be signed up to win. Deadline to sign up is Monday January 5th at 11:59 pm mountain time.
2. You must state how many days you plan on working out for each week.
3. You must state your goals and take starting stats. We are on an honor system. You can take starting pics if you'd like.
4. You must check in at least 3 times a week for each week.
5. At the end of the challenge you must email or pm me your final info which includes a short summary of what changes you experienced, goals that were met etc.
The prizes are going to be even better this time!!! That reminds me, I need to post the pics the winners sent me of their prizes. Oh and I got a fab new workout I am soo excited about!!! I will be starting Chalene Extreme on Monday. It is from the maker of Turbo Jam, which is my favorite workout and it is a 90 day program. It is hard core but I am so ready to tackle it. If you are wondering, no I don't have any resolutions to lose weight this year. Instead I have goals and my goal for this year, you guessed it, to have my best body EVER!!!!! Q
Thank you Janet in Atlanta
The beautiful Janet in Atlanta visited my blog and reminded me that I've yet to post my progress pics. (Yall know these kids kill my brain cells.) I have a visitor here right now and I am not looking good all bloated and stuff. So as soon as she leaves, I will take and post my before and after pic. Pinky promise!!! Q